Taare Jamin Pe – Amir Khan Movie

A dyslexic child falling through the cracks of traditional education system, a teacher, who once was dyslexic, recognizes the dyslexic pattern and helps the child succeed. This is central theme for the movie ‘Taare Jaamin Pe’. The movie wanted to deliver the point that every child is special, every child need not fit the social stereotypical, every child need not be a winner, every child need not be a engineer or a doctor or a scientist.

Despite great central theme the bollywood film probably could not ignore its hero-worshipping, thrill-seeking audience. The movie had to end dramatically to make box-office hit. The underdog has to win – and win big. The dyslexic child showed extraordinary talent in painting. His skills propelled him to be a winner in painting competition - awing everybody.

Just as every child does not need to be an engineer or doctor, every child need not be a great painter. Normal child can also have fulfilling life in his or her own way. By portraying the child as ‘child prodigy’ and a ‘winner’ the movie ruined the message. Why not show a normal recovery for dyslexic child? Well, that may not make a successful movie.


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